Heroic Opportunities Listing Fighter Initiated: Fighting Chance + * Sword (solo) o Sky Cleave - Horn = (common) Single-target slashing dmg (66% of moderate DD) o Crushing Anvil - Horn = (uncommon) Encounter crushing AE. o Hero's Armor - Horn = (rare) 15% AC increase * Chalice (with priest) o Divine Blade - unordered - Hammer + Sword = divine DD o Crippling Shroud - unordered - Horn + Moon = reactive brief 10% slow on mob o Chalice of Life - Chalice = doubles effect of special heals (reactive, ward, HoT) for 90 sec o NEW! Divine Nobility - Chalice + Sword = Heal over time to a group member * Coin (with scout) o Luck's Bite - unordered - Cloak + Boot = piercing DD, 50% to 250% extra dmg o Swindler's Gift - ordered - Cloak + Flexed Arm = Group accuracy buff for 2 levels o Raging Sword - ordered - Cloak -> Horn = attack speed inc for 90s, and 4 times melee damage and taunt o NEW! Ardent Challenge - Sword + Dagger = group +10 STR and AGI buff * Lightning (with mage) o Scholar's Insight - ordered - Horn -> Lightning = +2 lvls knowledge for mage, DD for 70% of moderate DD o Storm of Ancients - unordered - Sword + Lightning = DD + slows mob o Soldier's Instinct - unordered - Flame + Arm = 20% attack speed buff for 90 sec. o NEW! Arcane Aegis - Fist + Star = Crushing / Magic mitigation increase * Hammer (with priest and mage) o Lightning + Thunder Slash - unordered - Hammer + Lightning + Sword = Divine + Magic + Slashing Damage (3 hits) + Archaic Ruin - ordered - Eye -> Flexed Arm -> Flame = 70% bonus to arcane/slash/divine dmg + Ancient Wrath - ordered - Flame -> Fist -> Hammer = massive DD, maybe AE + NEW! Arcane Salvation - Star + Arm + Chalice = Increased in-combat group power regeneration Priest Initiated: Divine Providence + * Hammer o Divine Judgement - Hammer = single target divine direct damage (for 100% moderate priest nuke) o Inspiring Piety - Hammer = priest knowledge inc 2 levels, plus Divine Judgment nuke o Blessing of Faith - Chalice = instantly restores some power, inc power production 10% for 90s * Coin (with scout) o Piercing Faith - unordered - Cloak + Moon = Piercing DD (cloak needs to finish HO) and -5 AGI on mob o Divine Trickery - ordered - Hammer -> Cloak = Divine DD + pierce/divine resistance lowered on mob 5% o Faith's Bulwark - ordered - Chalice -> Coin= AC inc by 20% for 90s Scout Initiated: Lucky Break + * Coin o Ringing Blow - Dagger - 2 lvl accuracy increase o Swindler's Luck - Dagger - Short duration stun (not broken on hit, but short!) o Bravo's Dance - Dagger - 20% haste for 90 sec * Boot (with fighter and priest) o Chalice + Verdant Trinity - Chalice = 50% group heal + Nature's Growth - unordered - Mask + Sword + Druidic Stones = Group regeneration + Shield of Ancients - Lightning + Horn + Moon = absorbs 15% dmg for 90s + NEW! Capricious Strike - Hammer + Dagger + Sword = single-target DD * Horn (with fighter and mage) o Lightning + Trinity Divide - unordered - Star + Mask + Horn = Addt'l piercing dmg + increases hate on fighter by all mobs in group + Soldier's Gambit - unordered - Dagger + Sword + Lightning = bonus nuke dmg 100%-300% + Ancient's Embrace - ordered - Lightning -> Cloak -> Flexed Arm = Chance to "riposte" slash dmg for group when hit for 90s + NEW! Resonating Cascade - Mask + Dagger + Lightning = Increased in-combat group power regeneration + NEW! Grand Proclamation - Lightning + Mask + Arm = Increased power pool for the group * Chalice (with priest and mage) o Lightning + Breaking Faith - unordered - Lightning + Eye = Doubles dmg of last hit, reduces arcane, divine, and lightning resistance by 5% + Archaic Shackle - Does addt'l dmg, roots briefly and slows by 5% + Crucible of Life - ordered - Lightning -> Coin -> Chalice = Full power & health to group plus 10% heal on hit * Moon (with fighter, priest, and mage) o Fire + Strength in Unity - unordered - Flexed Arm + Chalice - Increases str, wis, int and agility of the party by 10 pts + Ancient Demise - ordered - Boot -> Coin -> Lightning + Hammer = Great AE DD + lowers arcane resist on mob 10% for 5 min. + Past's Awakening - ordered - Fist -> Star -> Cloak - Buffs power and health bars, does 4x dmg to all encounter mobs + NEW! Tears of Luclin - Boot + Dagger + Lightning = Increased damage on mage DD Mage Initiated: Arcane Augur + * Lightning (solo) o Arcane Fury - Lightning - Arcane DD equal to one mage nuke o Arcane Storm - Star - Same as above but AE o Arcane Inspiration - Flame - Restores 20% power, plus 20% power regen and 50% of hits taken convert to power * Hammer (with priest) o Suffocating Wrath - unordered - Hammer + Lightning = Halves all mobs arcane spell dmg for 36s o Arcane Chalice - ordered - Flame -> Chalice= Restores 10% power and major group heal o Ancient Crusible - Moon = Instantly restores 33% of health and power, +25% regen on both for 24s * Coin (with scout) o Arcane Trickery - unordered - Lightning + Dagger = addt'l 75% dmg, 5% arcane debuff on mob o Trickster's Grasp - ordered - Flame -> Mask= Additional 4-tick 150% arcane DoT o Rain of Daggers - unordered - Lightning + Dagger = High dmg proc for 90s